Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Sunday 24 June 2001

The sun has been shining

The sun has been shining down on this riverside cottage in Worcestershire, looking across the water meadows towards Bredon Hill. Toyah & I have been enjoying an idyllic English Sunday following a pretty idyllic day yesterday, but which involved a drive down to Salisbury where The Horse was introducing & compering a charity event at the City Hall.

The performers were E Minor, a children's group, and En Masse, the adult group. These are two choirs, each of around 50 members. The co-manager & Musical Director of En Masse, and singing coach at the Southampton Branch of The Souther School of Popular Singing, Gareth Henderson was featured on several songs. Superb. And a superb evening.

Salisbury City Hall is where, in the mid-1960s, Beaky (of Dave Dee, Beaky, Dozy, Mick & Tich) showed me his willy. This was at Dave Dee's behest - "Go on Beaky - show him your knob". At which Beaky dropped his trousers and let it all hang out. Such was the life of rock 'n' roll in the West Country during the early 1960s, I suppose.

The League of Gentlemen were friendly with Dave Dee & The Bostons, as they were called prior to their elevation from a working show band to chart successes, and I had dropped backstage to say hello. Obviously there was more to The Bostons as a show band than was immediately on view, shall we say. I continue to bump into Tich in Salisbury from time to time. Tich also banks with The Royal Bank of Scotland, and has arrived at Toyah performances expecting to see me there.

News of a Guitar Circle in Atlanta has been e-mailed to me by Rob Rushin, who took part in several early Guitar Craft courses in West Virginia --

<<< The Inaugural Meeting of the Atlanta Beginning Circle will commence at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 30. Please note that this is not officially a "Guitar Craft" project, but is an independent venture informed by principles and exercises central to the Guitar Craft curriculum.

Participation is open to anyone with an interest in working with the principles of Guitar Craft in a group context. We will work with steel-string acoustic guitars tuned to the New Standard Tuning. All levels of experience are welcome.

The aims of the ABC are...

To create a framework where each of us can work on our personal skill, toward becoming a better guitarist

To provide a supportive context for Crafties of all experience levels to explore group work

To offer those with no previous exposure to GC/NST an opportunity to work in this manner

The work will focus on the Primary Exercises, Circulations, and Rhythm exercises. Musical vocabulary and repertoire will receive secondary attention. p>The cost of participation is $20. Initial inclination is to hold meetings every other week, or at least once per month. This will ultimately be determined by response, participation, and level of commitment within the Circle.

For information or to apply for participation, please send an email to>>>

